Audio Meditations
"There is a world within - a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and beauty; and although invisible, its forces are mighty." - Charles F. Haanel
Prior to beginning a practice, we recommend that you are intentional in setting time aside so that you will not be distracted by outside activity (i.e. place a do not disturb sign on the door, set phone to airplane mode and stop working on other projects). All practices are between 12-30 minutes. Let this time be for you. When you sit down,Ā take a few deep breaths and drop into your inner space. Trust that the meditation you chooseĀ to do is the one that you need in this moment. Once you have completed the practice, allow for some timeĀ to integrate the experience into your body. Have a drink of water. If you journal, it may be a good time to write down some of your reflections and insights that surfaced during the meditation.

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