Living Masters 200-hr Kundalini Teacher Training

It's time to rise into our personal power. The gurus have shown us what it is to listen, to live a fully spiritual and physical life. They have taught us how to be teachers. Our mastery lies right within us.


Stepping into a Time of Mastery

Welcome to our fully online 200-hr yoga teacher training program. Our current world situation has brought an interesting opportunity to bring yoga deeply back into the home. It is allowing us to study in private, to practice by listening within, and to deepen the connection between our soul through practice, wisdom, and intentional living in the world.

Each one of us is a living master. For decades, we have studied, learned about (and from) gurus. Now everything is landing within us. It is time to step into our own personal mastery using everything at our fingertips. There are 7.5 billion potential masters on the planet. All we have to do is listen within, trust what we hear, integrate our past, and step forward in joy and confidence.

"Last fall I was at a real turning point in my life, looking for help. After a one on one with Katrina we discused the YTT a little and I really felt moved towards it. Little did I realize the profound affect it would have on me, opening up things within and helping me to work through them. The course itself always amazed me each week, how Katrina put together all the intricate parts, the videos and zoom classes. Even though we weren't together in body it sure felt like we were. The lessons go way beyond the physical aspect of Life. They give a True foundation to seeing one's own Truth from which we can share with others the beauty of this Yoga. I would highly recommend this course to anyone! Katrina's very Being flows with years of experience and wisdom with gentleness and humility." ~ Karla R, USA

Program Overview

Our 200 HR Teacher Training includes:

  • 12 Teaching Modules: Our Yogic Foundation, Living in Satya & Truth, Quantum Reality, Anatomy of Mind, Body & Spirit, Technology of Kundalini Yoga, Total Balance in our lives, Being a Teacher, Designing Classes, Teaching out in the world, Living in Total Mastery
  • 24 Kriyas:
    • Teaching video going through each posture & exercise, describing modifications for injured, pregnant, or menstruating participants, seniors & children.
    • Audio recordings of kriyas (with and without music) for daily practice
  • 24 Meditations & Pranayama:
    • Teaching video describing intention, effects on body, mind & spirit, meaning of mudras, mantras, and posture, and possible modifications
    • Audio recordings of meditations for practice
  • Full access to regular live yoga classes over zoom
  • Weekly Live Q&A & discussion with Katrina over zoom
    • Tuesdays at 8am EST
    • Wednesdays at 7pm EST
    • You only need to attend one discussion class per week.
    • These are all live check-ins about our assignments, the yoga, meditation, Q&A, and our personal journeys and revelations.
  • Home Yoga Studio: 52 recordings of live kundalini classes at Katrina's East Street Station
  • YTT-200 Certificate which can be sent to Yoga Alliance to become a certified yoga teacher

This course exceeded my grandest expectations. As a longtime student of hatha yoga, I thought I'd get trained to be a yoga teacher, and in the process, deepen my own practice. And yes, this happened, but so did much more. Katrina created a safe, welcoming, expansive container within which I grew, and continue to grow, into a more authentic, joyful, and wise master of my own existence, my own soul's path. Katrina is a gentle, clear and wise teacher who integrates a wide range of knowledge bases seamlessly, from quantum theory to chakras. My only complaint is that it had to end! But even that is teaching on the ever-changing nature of existence, within which all is possible. This course is truly a life-changing journey." ~ Marybeth Holleman, Anchorage AK

Teaching Modules

Our Yogic Foundation

History of yoga & kundalini yoga
Healing for the Aquarian Age
The Rise & Fall of Gurus (and finding our own within)
Foundation of your personal journey
Choosing personal Sadhana
Foundation of the Journey to Mastery

Satya, Truth & Satyagraha

Following our inner truth
Satya as a foundation for our lives
Sat nam as the foundation of our practice
Using kriya & meditation to unpack what is stuck within
Reframing our lives for expansion
Redefining love, connection & community

Quantum Reality & Constant Renewal

Connecting quantum physics & consciousness
Why kundalini yoga is a tantric yoga
Oneness, duality & non-duality
Releasing the fragmentation of life
Experiencing ananda through wholeness & renewal
The life-changing power of choice

Opening to the Divine

What is God/Divine to each of us?
The deep path of mysticism
Listening to the Teacher within
Accessing the Ancient One
Releasing the spells we are under
Integrating our shadow & light

Meditation & Pranayama

Foundation & Basics
Meditations for specific groups
Nadis & chakras 
The nature of the mind
Creating a new internal set-point
How to achieve true inner stillness

Anatomy of Mind, Body & Spirit

Physiology & Structure of our physical systems
How yoga opens flow & health
Integration of chakras
10 Yogic Bodies
Deep dive into the Emotional body
The health & role of empaths in our world

Technology of Kundalini Yoga

Proper alignment for all asana & kriya exercises
Visualizations for energy flow
Modifications fo injury, pregnancy, etc
3 Bandhas in kriya, meditation & life
Duality of masculine & feminine on and off the mat
Thriving in the tension of life

Total Balance in our Lives

Balance of prana & upana
The power of small changes within & without
Balancing the monastic spirit with being a householder
Living in full communion in life
Exploring the "I & Thou" relationship
Fasting, voids, & infinite possibilities

Being a Teacher

8-fold path
8 Limbs of Yoga
Which yogic path brings you to centre?
Teaching within our gifts & experiences
The true role of teacher - in class & in life
How to access & share our inner wisdom

Designing Classes

Moving from the mind to the heart
Using wu wei in teaching
How to teach online & in person
Using empathy & telepathy to communicate
How to design full classes
How to use our voice to lead effectively

Teaching Out in the World

How to teach children & teenagers
Teaching seniors & chair yoga
Sharing in hospitals
Bringing meditation to shelters
Ethics of being a teacher
Setting up your yoga business

Living A Life of Mastery

Life as a living meditation
Exploring the Levels of Consciousness
Yogic & Tantric integration of the divine
Living according to our own wisdom
Living beyond 10% of our human potential
The confidence & power of satyagraha

"Katrina is an amazing teacher. Her classes are well structured and comprehensive and it amazes me, how much of her knowledge she shared with us. I loved the online aspect of the classes, since it allowed me to work at my own speed and comfort level. The audio recordings of the Kriyas are beautiful, amazing music choices and Katrina's comforting voice make practice a joy. This program has helped me grow into a more courageous, braver, kinder and calmer human. I would highly recommend it to anyone, who is searching for self-acceptance and also a wonderful like-minded community." ~ Barbara Postl, Canada

Library of Audio Kriyas & Meditations

Each module will focus on two specific kriyas and meditations. You will recieve a video with all the energy, flow, and modifications for each kriya. Plus, you will have an audio recording (with and without music) to lead you in your personal practice. 

By the end of the course, you will have 24 kriyas and meditations to choose from.

Live Zoom Classes

Each module includes pre-recorded classes of all the philosophy and technical aspects of the teachings. We will also have live classes for the topics that ask for greater in-depth discussion.

Here we can get to know each other, ask questions, and truly share our journey with new friends.

Live Yoga with Katrina

You can attend multiple weekly classes with Katrina and others from all over the world:

  • Mondays 7pm EST
  • Saturdays 8am EST

Finding Community

As wonderful as learning these philosophies and technology is to share with others, a huge part of the experience is making new friends - people who are on a similar path who are asking the same questions.

We will also have many live classes together over zoom - instructional, discussion & Q&A. Lots of chance to get to know each other around the world.

Becoming a Teacher

The most important aspects of being a yoga teacher is our presence, happiness, and connection to our own wisdom. Yes, we will learn the technology to lead a class. But it is the feeling in the room that truly creates a safe place for us to heal, look at ourselves, and expand into who we truly are.

This is why this course is perfect for anyone who wants to have this deep and wonderful presence whether we choose to teach yoga & meditation or we simply desire to live this way.

Why Kundalini Yoga?

This is a beautiful style of yoga that heals us from the inside out. It is accessible for everyone regardless of fitness, age, or yoga experience. There is no competition because the journey is all inside. It is only about healing and releasing whatever blocks our natural life flow.

To read more about this amazing yoga, please click HERE.


Satya Yoga Academy is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance. Students who complete our 200 hour yoga teacher training online are welcome to register with Yoga Alliance as a RYT-200.

What's Different About this Training?


"Joining Satya Yoga Academy was one of my best decisions in life. Katrina appeared in my life at the right moment. I was dealing with some health, and personal challenges, and she was there with her beautiful spirit and giggles, ready to help me conquer my fears and to discover the beautiful person I was hiding inside.This yoga teacher training changed my life in many positive ways. I learned how to experience my soul, mind, and body expansively and this growth continues because I have lots of tools in my backpack. I am now living my truth thanks to the day I said ‘Yes’ to myself. I am forever thankful." ~ Pilar M., Canada 

Registration Options

One Payment

$1,200 CAD

  • Living Masters 200-hr YTT Certification
  • Weekly Q&A Gatherings
  • Yoga Class Libraries
  • Wonderful New Friends & Community
  • Personal Healing Journey
Register Now

6 Payments

$210 CAD

  • Living Masters 200-hr YTT Certification
  • Weekly Q&A Gatherings
  • Yoga Class Libraries
  • Wonderful New Friends & Community
  • Personal Healing Journey
Register Now

If finances are a struggle right now but you feel called to take this training, please click HERE for alternate pricing.

"The Living Masters Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training  program with Satya Yoga Academy will excite you; challenge you; shine new light on your deeply held beliefs; meet you where you are at, transform you within your self-imposed boundary all within a sacred and loving space. The teaching put forward has caused me to pause and really go deep within and find that truthful part of me while incorporating this truth in my daily activities. I especially loved that the program was online. We could show up from our individual comfort zone and get embedded in a cadre of like minded souls." ~ Joan R, Canada

About Katrina Bos

Katrina Bos was originally trained through the Kundalini Research Institute who taught Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. She received her YTT200 certification in 2008 and from there, she taught yoga in public classes for the next 10 years. She also specialized in sharing meditation and yoga in women’s shelters, psychiatric wards in hospitals, and out-patient clinics. She taught many school teachers how to share yoga with children and hospital staff how to share with their patients.

Her personal passion blends yoga with tantra and all the great spiritual teachings. Life is about living completely – fully divine and fully incarnate! It’s about bringing these ancient teachings to every moment of our modern life. It’s about finding a beautiful centre within. From there, we can hear intuition and guidance that can truly transform every aspect of ourselves and our relationships with each other.

In 2009, she opened “East Street Station” where she taught yoga, meditation, spiritual studies, dance, etc for the next 6 years. Here, she also launched her 200-hr teacher training called “Soul of the Teacher”. She taught this training for the next four years until she sold her school and began bringing her teachings into the online world.

She has recently re-opened her RYS school and renamed it “Satya Yoga Academy”. She has also updated her Soul of the Teacher Training to her current “Living Masters” training. The technology and most of the philosophy is the same (true ancient teachings are eternal). But it is updated to reflect the needs of the current time and adapted for the current online learning experience.

"Katrina’s teaching found me at the right time in my life, she helped me explore the depths of self and lend me a hand up and out of the muck. If you have even the slightest incline to practice yoga, or even deepen your practice, Katrina is a wonderful person to help guide you and follow you on your journey! Highly recommend spending some time with Katrina. You're not lost, you just haven’t sat with your self long enough yet. Kundalini is an amazing practice, it’s helped me to open up and knock down walls I didn’t even know were there. With tremendous effort and sheer will anyone can become who they feel they are to be, you may even find some inner peace." ~  Joe Parsons, Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

"Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training not only changed my life, but saved it. I have to be honest, when I signed up for the teacher training, I had no idea what Kundalini yoga was. I had no idea what I was getting into and just how profound the next 10 months would be. That was 6 years ago and because of the tools that teacher training gave me I am a better Mother, Wife, Woman and human. I have the ability to slow down my monkey mind, to reach for a breath if I feel angst, and to locate a kriya that will help heal my body if it is ailing. Katrina is an incredible mentor - gentle, kind, a wealth of knowledge and love.  Everyone should be so lucky to take this training and have her facilitate it." Melissa Snowden, Canada

If you have any other questions about this training and whether it's right for you, please feel free to contact me.
Contact Katrina

"As a graduate from your previous Kundalini Teacher training, I am honoured to be a part of this exciting new chapter and journey for you. Your vitality, professionalism, passion and dedication to help others with a heart centered balanced approach is truly empowering, inspiring and uplifting. 

A beautiful bright shining light, I would highly recommend this incredible training to anyone. A natural, holistic, non-judgemental environment focused on empowered personal growth, strength, and leadership.

Katrina is a role model and is known for her selfless acts that go above and beyond her passion and deep desire to help others or anyone for that matter. Katrina continues to lead, guide, and inspire because of her passion and beautiful life force energy." ~ Anjannette Carter, Canada

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Each week, I share new meditations, articles, videos, and upcoming opportunities to study together.

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"The practice of kundalini yoga balances the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system and enables us to harness the energy of the mind and the emotions, so we can be in control of ourselves, rather than being controlled by our thoughts and feelings." 

Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa